DOW future tăng gần 1000 điểm vì tin có thuốc đặc trị Coronavirus

Chủ đề trong 'Thị trường chứng khoán' bởi Hung2M, 17/04/2020.

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  1. Hung2M

    Hung2M Thành viên gắn bó với

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    [​IMG] Dow futures rally 900 points after report says Gilead drug showing effectiveness against coronavirus

    U.S. stock futures surged on Thursday night after a report said a Gilead Sciences drug was showing effectiveness in treating the coronavirus. The move pointed to a jump for the stock market on Friday.

    Dow Jones Industrial Average futures were up 903 points, or about 3.9%. S&P 500 futures gained 3.4% while Nasdaq 100 futures were up by 2.6%.

    Gilead shares jumped by 14% in after-hours trading after STAT news reported that a Chicago hospital treating coronavirus patients with Remdesivir in a trial were recovering rapidly from severe symptoms. The publication cited a video it obtained where the trial results were discussed.

    “This is obviously good news. Of course, we’ve heard a few other pieces of good news like this recently and they didn’t pan-out as well as people had hoped,” said Matt Maley, chief market strategist at Miller Tabak, in an email. “The big question is whether it’s going to be enough to help the economy ‘re-open’ more quickly than people are thinking right now.”

    “To me, the critical issue is employment,” Maley added. “If the economy can bounce back quickly enough to take the unemployment rate back into the low-single digits quickly, that’s going to be very bullish.”

    Other studies have shown Remdesivir to be an effective treatment against the coronavirus. However, they have been smaller in scale.

    “An effective treatment is a huge deal and would create a path to open the economy and resume normal ‘social activities’ way sooner than a vaccine,” said Tom Lee, head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors. “A treatment is safer and more scalable because it is only given to people who need to be treated.”

    Chicago hospital treating severe Covid-19 patients with Gilead Sciences’ antiviral medicine remdesivir in a closely watched clinical trial is seeing rapid recoveries in fever and respiratory symptoms, with nearly all patients discharged in less than a week, STAT has learned.

    Remdesivir was one of the first medicines identified as having the potential to impact SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19, in lab tests. The entire world has been waiting for results from Gilead’s clinical trials, and positive results would likely lead to fast approvals by the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies. If safe and effective, it could become the first approved treatment against the disease.

    The University of Chicago Medicine recruited 125 people with Covid-19 into Gilead’s two Phase 3 clinical trials. Of those people, 113 had severe disease. All the patients have been treated with daily infusions of remdesivir.


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    “The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We’ve only had two patients perish,” said Kathleen Mullane, the University of Chicago infectious disease specialist overseeing the remdesivir studies for the hospital.

    Her comments were made this week during a video discussion about the trial results with other University of Chicago faculty members. The discussion was recorded and STAT obtained a copy of the video.


    The outcomes offer only a snapshot of remdesivir’s effectiveness. The same trials are being run concurrently at other institutions, and it’s impossible to determine the full study results with any certainty. Still, no other clinical data from the Gilead studies have been released to date, and excitement is high. Last month, President Trump touted the potential for remdesivir — as he has for many still-unproven treatments — and said it “seems to have a very good result.”

    In a statement Thursday, Gilead said: “What we can say at this stage is that we look forward to data from ongoing studies becoming available.”

    Gilead had said to expect results for its trial involving severe cases in April. Mullane said during her presentation that data for the first 400 patients in the study would be “locked” by Gilead Thursday, meaning that results could come any day.

    Mullane, while encouraged by the University of Chicago data, made clear her own hesitancy about drawing too many conclusions.

    “It’s always hard,” she said, because the severe trial doesn’t include a placebo group for comparison. “But certainly when we start [the] drug, we see fever curves falling,” she said. “Fever is now not a requirement for people to go on trial, we do see when patients do come in with high fevers, they do [reduce] quite quickly. We have seen people come off ventilators a day after starting therapy. So, in that realm, overall our patients have done very well.”

    She added: “Most of our patients are severe and most of them are leaving at six days, so that tells us duration of therapy doesn’t have to be 10 days. We have very few that went out to 10 days, maybe three,” she said.

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    Reached by STAT, Mullane confirmed the authenticity of the footage but declined to comment further.

    Asked about the data, Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, described them as “encouraging.”

    “The severely hit patients are at such high-risk of fatality. So if it’s true that many of the 113 patients were in this category and were discharged, it’s another positive signal that the drug has efficacy,” he said, adding that it will be important to see more data from randomized controlled studies.

    Gilead’s severe Covid-19 study includes 2,400 participants from 152 different clinical trial sites all over the world. Its moderate Covid-19 study includes 1,600 patients in 169 different centers, also all over the world.

    The trial is investigating five- and 10-day treatment courses of remdesivir. The primary goal is a statistical comparison of patient improvement between the two treatment arms. Improvement is measured using a seven-point numerical scale that encompasses death (at worst) and discharge from hospital (best outcome), with various degrees of supplemental oxygen and intubation in between.

    The lack of a control arm in the study could make interpreting the results more challenging.

    A lack of data has led to yo-yoing expectations for the drug. Two studies in China had enrollment suspended partway through because there were not enough patients available. A recent report of patients given the drug under a special program to make it available to those who are very ill generated both excitement and skepticism.

    In scientific terms, all the data are anecdotal until the full trial reads out, meaning that they should not be used to draw final conclusions. But some of the anecdotes are dramatic.

    Slawomir Michalak, a 57-year-old factory worker from a suburb west of Chicago, was among the participants in the Chicago study. One of his daughters started feeling ill in late March and was later diagnosed with mild Covid-19. Michalak, by contrast, came down with a high fever and reported shortness of breath and severe pain in his back.

    “It felt like someone was punching me in the lungs,” he told STAT.

    STAT Plus:
    Exclusive analysis of biopharma, health policy, and the life sciences.
    At his wife’s urging, Michalak went to the University of Chicago Medicine hospital on Friday, April 3. His fever had spiked to 104 and he was struggling to breath. At the hospital, he was given supplemental oxygen. He also agreed to participate in Gilead’s severe Covid-19 clinical trial.

    His first infusion of remdesivir was on Saturday, April 4. “My fever dropped almost immediately and I started to feel better,” he said.

    By his second dose on Sunday, Michalak said he was being weaned off oxygen. He received two more daily infusions of remdesivir and recovered enough to be discharged from the hospital on Tuesday, April 7.

    “Remdesivir was a miracle,” he said.

    The world is waiting to find out if it is really so.
    Last edited: 17/04/2020
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  2. tornado1

    tornado1 Thành viên gắn bó với

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  6. Hung2M

    Hung2M Thành viên gắn bó với

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    [​IMG] Thêm tin đáng chú ý về việc Trump công bố kế hoạch 3 bước mở lại nước Mỹ:

    Trump: Chúng ta sẽ mở cửa nước Mỹ trở lại
    Trump công bố hướng dẫn tái khởi động nền kinh tế sau Covid-19, cho rằng các bang nên mở cửa từng bước để người dân trở lại làm việc.

    "Dựa trên dữ liệu mới nhất, giới chuyên gia nhất trí rằng chúng ta có thể bắt đầu mặt trận mới gọi là 'mở cửa nước Mỹ trở lại'. Đó là điều chúng ta sẽ làm, chúng ta sẽ mở cửa đất nước. Quá trình này sẽ không diễn ra chớp nhoáng mà theo từng bước cẩn thận", Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump nói trong cuộc họp báo tại Nhà Trắng hôm 16/4.

    Trump cho biết các thống đốc sẽ được quyền quyết định cách tiếp cận dựa trên tình hình thực tế từng bang, khẳng định những bang như Bắc Dakota, Montana và Wyoming hiện khác xa với các địa điểm chịu ảnh hưởng nặng bởi Covid-19 như New York.

    "Các bạn đang nói về những bang đã trong tình trạng tốt đẹp? Họ có thể hoạt động trở lại ngay ngày mai", ông chủ Nhà Trắng nói, thêm rằng 29 bang có thể sớm hồi phục nền kinh tế.

    Hướng dẫn mở cửa kinh tế được Trump công bố với các thống đốc trước họp báo, trong đó vạch ra kế hoạch cho người dân Mỹ dần trở lại những địa điểm công cộng, nhưng không có thời gian biểu cụ thể. Người dân sẽ được tập trung đông người và đi lại tùy tình hình Covid-19 của từng bang.
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