2/10: DJ đổ đèo, GENERAL ELECTRIC đang hấp hối!

Chủ đề trong 'Thị trường chứng khoán' bởi roschildvn, 02/10/2008.

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  1. roschildvn

    roschildvn Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    Đã được thích:
    2/10: DJ đổ đèo, GENERAL ELECTRIC đang hấp hối!

    DJ đổ đèo 200 điểm do tỷ lệ thất nghiệp ngoài nông nghiệp cao mức kỉ lục trong 7 năm
    GE mất 9% . Giá phát hành để thu 12 tỷ USD dự kiến phải giảm tiếp . Nhiều khả năng nhánh GE Financial sắp sập
  2. roschildvn

    roschildvn Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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  3. roschildvn

    roschildvn Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    Đã được thích:
    GE''s Stock Sale Said to Be Priced as Low as $22.25 (Update3)

    By Sarah Thompson and Alexis Xydias
    Enlarge Image/Details

    Oct. 2 (Bloomberg) -- General Electric Co. may sell stock at a discount of as much as 9.2 percent to yesterday''s closing price as the company seeks to raise $12 billion from investors to help fund its operations, according to two people with direct knowledge of the sale.

    Fairfield, Connecticut-based GE''s shares slid 7.1 percent to $22.75 at 8:21 a.m. in New York after closing at $24.50 yesterday. The offering, still ongoing, may be priced between $22.25 and $22.50, said the two people, who declined to be identified before the company makes a statement.

    GE said yesterday it will sell $12 billion in common stock and that Warren Buffett''s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., in a separate deal, will buy $3 billion in preferred shares as Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt gathers more cash to fund operations amid the worst U.S. financial crisis since the Great Depression.

    Goldman, Sachs & Co. will manage the sale to investors, GE said yesterday. The company said it also expects Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley will be additional bookrunners.

    GE spokesman Russell Wilkerson didn''t immediately reply to a message left on his mobile phone. London-based spokespeople for Goldman weren''t immediately available to comment.

    Buffett''s preferred shares will pay an annual 10 percent dividend and are callable after three years at a 10 percent premium. GE''s stock through yesterday tumbled 34 percent in New York trading this year.

    GE and Immelt, 52, told investors as recently as Sept. 25 there was no need for outside capital, including selling a large equity stake to an outside entity. Immelt that day reduced his annual profit forecast for the second time this year. He also suspended a $15 billion buyback program, shifting capital to protect GE''s dividend and AAA credit rating as volatility in credit markets reduced profit at its finance arm, GE Capital.

    To contact the reporters on this story: Sarah Thompson in London at sthompson17@bloomberg.net; Alexis Xydias in London at axydias@bloomberg.net.
  4. roschildvn

    roschildvn Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Future Wall tiếp tục đỏ lòm:
    Dow 10,630.00 -257.00 -2.36
    S&P 500 1,138.00 -30.40 -2.60
    NASDAQ 1,528.00 -50.75 -3.21
    S&P/TSE 687.00 -22.80 -3.21
    Mexico Bolsa 25,110.00 -450.00 -1.76
    Brazil Bovespa 47,950.00 -2,080.00 -4.16
  5. roschildvn

    roschildvn Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Kế hoạch ngọt của Thượng viện đối diện với tương lai không chắc chắn tại Hạ viện
    Sweetened Bailout Faces Uncertain Future in House
    House members are getting another chance to vote on a bill many would like to avoid: a massive financial rescue that has infuriated millions but is being promoted as critically needed to stave off a deep recession.

    This time, it comes back to the House loaded with billions of dollars worth of tax cuts and other sweeteners.
    Government Bailout

    * What''s in the Senate Plan
    * What''s the Best Way to Solve Crisis?

    They are meant to attract at least a dozen House members who voted against the measure Monday, when it failed, 228-205, triggering a record drop in the stock market.

    Senators added the new items in a 74-25 vote late Wednesday, sending the rewritten package back to the House for a showdown vote expected Friday.

    House leaders planned to spend Thursday pressing rank-and-file members for the dozen converts they need.

    Sheila Bair, head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, urged people to remain calm.

    "I think overall the banking system remains very sound so that''s why I think it''s so important for everybody to keep their head," Bair said in an interview on C-SPAN Thursday. "What I don''t want is to see otherwise healthy institutions start to get into trouble just because of liquidity pressure...Wall Street should be taking their cue from Main Street right now. Main Street deposits are staying there."

    The bailout package was never in danger in the Senate.


    Senators instead played catalysts for the House, adding tax provisions popular with the left and right in a bid that House leaders hope -- but cannot guarantee -- will persuade enough of the House rank-and-file to switch from "nay" to "aye" on a highly contentious bill a month before Election Day.

    They were especially targeting the 133 House Republicans who voted against the package.

    California''s David Dreier said Thursday morning that "I hated" the initial version of the bill but that he plans to vote for it this time around.

    "I was very concerned with the proposal that came forward that would have allowed golden parachutes to go forward," said Dreier, a Republican.

    But he said he likes the new version because "it puts into place growth-oriented tax cuts."

    "I will tell you, the American people are angy and frustrated," he said on ABC''s "Good Morning America," saying he''s been hearing messages like "the woman who said she was concerned about getting access to a student loan for her daughter."

    Rep. Marcy Kaptur, an Ohio Democrat, said on the same program that she plans to vote no.

    "I will not support this legislation because it''s the wrong medicine," she said. Kaptur argued that the problem should be solved by the market itself, not through governmental intervention.

    After the Senate vote, Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said, "We''ve sent a clear message to Americans all over that we will not let this economy fail. This is not a piece of legislation for lower Manhattan. This is legislation for all America."
  6. roschildvn

    roschildvn Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    GE sắp mất 10%:
    GENERAL ELECTRIC 22.18 -9.47 154541353
  7. roschildvn

    roschildvn Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Jobless Claims Rise to Highest Level in 7 Years
    In signs of a further weakening economy, separate reports showed the number of workers filing new claims for jobless benefits rose, while the number of new factory orders dropped.

    The number of U.S. workers filing new claims for jobless benefits rose to their highest in seven years due to the impact of hurricanes Ike and Gustav, the government said in a report on Thursday.


    The number of initial jobless claims was 497,000 in the week ended Sept. 27, the highest since 517,000 in the week ended Sept. 29, 2001 and above Wall Street economists'' forecasts of 475,000.

    "It is estimated that the effects of Hurricane Gustav in Louisiana and the effects of Hurricane Ike in Texas added approximately 45,000 claims to the total," the Labor Department said in its weekly report.

    Meanwhile, factory orders plunged by the largest amount in nearly two years as the credit strains are hitting manufacturing with full force.

    The Commerce Department reported Thursday that orders for manufactured goods dropped by 4 percent in August, compared to July. That''s a much worse performance than the 2.5 percent decline that economists had expected. It was the biggest setback since a 4.8 percent plunge in October 2006.

    The weakness was led by big declines in orders for aircraft, down 38.1 percent, and autos, which fell by 10.6 percent, the worst performance in nearly six years.

    Economists said the jobless claims report showed the economy was being rattled by forces other than the hurricanes, adding that the numbers were at high levels even when the impact of the storms was filtered out.
  8. viki

    viki Thành viên rất tích cực

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Kiểu này mai lại khó thoát được rồi. Lệnh Nbs làm sao đua với đại gia được. Bất công quá.
  9. Tuanrua

    Tuanrua Thành viên quen thuộc

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    tại sao lại thế nhỉ, thượng viện thông 700, hai đảng đồng nhất sao DJ lại đỏ lòm
  10. duckwater

    duckwater Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    GE thì ảnh hưởng choá gì đến VN? Khối NH-TC vẫn tăng kia kìa, cái đó mới quan trọng.

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