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Chủ đề trong 'Thị trường chứng khoán' bởi sv57, 17/09/2008.

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  1. sv57

    sv57 Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bác nào đang cầm cổ, muốn thư giãn xin mời vào đây

    Mới phát hiện ra trò này, mặc dù game từ ngày xưa, nhưng chơi thú vị đáo để. Xin mời các bác thư giãn.

  2. sv57

    sv57 Thành viên mới

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    Các bác mắc ở đâu, cứ PM cho em.
  3. sv57

    sv57 Thành viên mới

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    Hình như chưa có ai chơi trò này thì phải.
  4. sv57

    sv57 Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Khối ngoại đẩy mạnh mua DPM, SJS (CafeF) - Thị trường có thêm một ngày giao dịch ảm đảm tuy nhiên, nhà đầu tư nước ngoài vẫn tiếp tục gia tăng giao dịch. Một số mã như VNA, VNS, HMC tiếp tục được mua vào.

    Tổng khối lượng mua vào trong cả hai đợt khớp lệnh và thỏa thuận là 2,79 triệu đơn vị (trị giá 145 tỷ đồng), tăng hơn 300 nghìn đơn vị so với hôm qua. Khối lượng bán ra cũng tăng gần 20% lên 3,49 triệu đơn vị, trị giá 180 tỷ đồng.

    Nhóm các cổ phiếu chủ chốt của thị trường tiếp tục được mua và bán ở mức cao. DPM được mua vào 626 nghìn và bán ra 561 nghìn đơn vị, PPC được mua vào 319 nghìn đơn vị nhưng lượng bán ra lại gần gấp đôi, đạt 627 nghìn đơn vị? Tuy nhiên chỉ có một vài mã có chênh lệch mua bán dương (SJS, DPM, REE) còn lại hầu hết đều có lượng bán ra vượt trên hẳn lượng mua vào.

    Dẫn đầu về lượng bán ròng là PPC (308 nghìn đơn vị), tiếp theo là HPG (173 nghìn), PVD (162 nghìn)? Lượng bán ra VF1 đã giảm mạnh sau hai phiên dẫn đầu về lượng bán ra.

    Hai cổ phiếu VNA, VNS tiếp tục nằm trong top mua vào mặc dù lượng mua đã suy giảm so với những phiên trước, đạt lần lượt 73 nghìn và 70 nghìn đơn vị.

    Đức Hải
  5. thantai007

    thantai007 Thành viên rất tích cực

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  6. sv57

    sv57 Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:

    Pushover is no Pushover Puzzle game

    Authors Description :
    A remake of the popular puzzle game of the early nineties, in which you have to rearrange the dominoes in each level so you can knock them down with one push. It features all 100 levels from the original game across 9 zones, and also a level editor so that you can make your own levels. The game also saves each player''s progress. Highly addictive and great fun!

    Pushover is a very good Puzzle game with excellent graphics and great sound, i personally do not remember the original but this game is cool, You take control of a character called G.I.Ant who has the strength to move dominoes and is able to Push just one. The idea is to push the dominoes over making sure that the (Trigger) is the last domino to fall, to help you to do this you have 8 different kinds of special dominoes, Vanisher, Tumbler, Bridger, Ascender, Delay, Exploder, Splitter and of course the standard domino, you can pick up some dominoes and move them into place to help you knock them all over, this game is large with 100 levels and will keep any Puzzle head busy for a while. Before running the game read the Game Manual as this helps you and shows you pictures of what all 10 dominoes look like and there individual ability also tells you the do''s and don''t''s of the game.The game has got auto save so no need to redo levels.

    Arrows to move G.I.Ant
    Z for action
    P to pause for help or to restart a level
    Esc to exit
  7. sv57

    sv57 Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Pushover Manual

    Quick Control Reference
    Arrows / Joystick --- Move
    Z / Spacebar / Button 1 --- Action
    P --- Pause
    Esc --- Close Pushover

    Control Setup

    Directions - Use the cursor keys on the keyboard, or the primary joystick if you have one plugged in.

    Actions - Use either the Z key or space bar, or the first joystick button.

    Press Escape at any time to quit the game.

    Main Menu

    New Game

    Select this to create a new player profile. Type your name (up to 8 characters) and press Return to confirm.

    Load Game

    Select this to continue your game from a previously created profile.

    Erase Game

    Select this to erase a player profile. Once erased, a profile cannot be recovered.


    In this menu you can turn the music and sound on and off. You can also switch between windowed mode and fullscreen mode (640x480x32), which will only take effect once you close and restart Pushover.

    Level Select Menus

    In this menu you can choose from any of the 100 levels in a set of levels, but only up to levels you have completed. The picture at the top of the screen is a mini-preview of the level that you have highlighted.

    Press left and right to change which set of levels to view (original levels, new levels or custom levels).

    Profile Options

    Access this menu by pressing left at the Original Level Select screen. Here you can quit the game or return to the main menu.

    In Game

    Aim Of The Game

    In Pushover the objective is to work through the levels, knocking over all the dominoes in each screen by placing them in the correct order. G.I.Ant is only strong enough to push one domino per level.

    All of the dominoes must be toppled (except for Stoppers, see the domino section of the manual). The Trigger domino must always be the last one to fall, and it must fall flat on the ledge.

    Each level also has a time limit. The level must be completed within this time limit in order to progress.

    After successfully completing a level, you recieve a ''token'' that can be used in certain situations to restart a level from before you used your push. Tokens can also be used to move to the next level if you completed a level but ran out of time.


    Move G.I.Ant along the ledges by pressing left or right.

    To climb up or down ladders, press up or down whilst standing next to them. G.I. can climb ladders whilst holding a domino. Note that G.I.''s movement on ladders can be restricted if parts fo the ladder are destroyed or missing.

    Press the action button to pick up and put down dominoes. You can only put dominoes down if there is space on the ledge to do so. Dominoes may not be placed in front of doors.

    When standing in front of a domino that you wish to push, press up to move into position to push it. From here you can press left+action or right+action to push in the desired direction, or you can press down to return to the normal position on the ledge.

    To fall off ledges, simply keep the direction held down until G.I. walks off. Be careful not to fall too far!

    Other Controls

    Press the P key to pause the game. From the pause menu you can restart the level or return to the main menu. The pause menu also shows a reminder of the different types of domino. Additionally, if the level time has run out, a clue on how to complete the level will be shown on the pause screen.


    There are 10 types of dominoes:


    These dominoes have no special abilities or features. When a domino hits a standard it will fall over, knocking over the domino next to it. If there is no ledge to fall onto, the domino will continue falling until it reaches a ledge or falls off screen.


    Stoppers cannot be toppled. They are the only type of domino that does not need to be toppled in order for the level to be completed. When a domino hits a stopper, the stopper rebounds it, making the other domino fall the other way.


    Vanishers act like Standards, except they disappear when they are knocked over. They still knock the next domino in the chain over.


    When a tumbler gets knocked over, instead of falling flat on the ledge it will rise up again in the same direction. It will carry on like this, rolling along the ledge.


    If you knock a bridger into a gap in a ledge that is one space wide, the bridger will fill the gap in. G.I. can then walk across the ledge or place dominoes there.


    When an ascender gets knocked into, it will defy gravity and float upwards. It then falls flat against the ceiling like a normal block would against the floor.


    When a delay is hit, it will stay standing for a short while before falling over. The block that hits it will be rebounded in the same way that a stopper would rebound it.


    An exploder blows up instead of falling over when it is hit. This creates a gap in the ledge where it was standing. The explosion will also destroy ladders that are close by.


    Splitters are activated by dropping a block on them from above. The splitter becomes two dominoes, one falling to the left and one falling to the right, continuing the chain of dominoes in both directions. A splitter will also split in two if it is hit by a doino from the side - resulting in rubble.


    The trigger is the target domino - the one that the chain of dominoes must eventually topple. The trigger must be the last to fall in each level, and must fall flat on the ledge. Also G.I. must not be holding a domino when the trigger is knocked over, or the level is failed.

    More Info

    If you have any questions about the game or want to know about when the new levels will get released, there''ll be a thread going on the forums at www.retroremakes.com or you can email me at kuri_rice@hotmail.co.uk

    Have fun playing the game!
  8. bignob

    bignob Thành viên rất tích cực

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