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Chủ đề trong 'Thị trường chứng khoán' bởi milstock, 09/05/2010.

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    Merkel says situation in Europe is serious

    Sat May 8, 2010 10:29am EDT

    BERLIN, May 8 (Reuters) - Europe faces a serious situation with Greece not the only country subject to financial market pressures, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday.
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    "It is a serious situation," she told reporters in Berlin after meeting Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
    "If you looked at the spreads from Friday or Thursday, you see we are facing a development that is not good in several countries, not just one country," she added.
    Merkel said euro zone leaders made the right decisions on Friday, when they agreed to have special measures ready before financial markets open on Monday to prevent financial turmoil in Greece spreading to other countries such as Spain and Portugal. [ID:nSGE64608F]

    Thuỳ link nhé: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSLDE64709X20100508

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