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Chủ đề trong 'Thị trường chứng khoán' bởi Phuong_HuuNghi, 18/02/2010.

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  1. batman_vcb

    batman_vcb Thành viên rất tích cực

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    Xin các bố, hưng phấn nó vừa vừa thôi., rồi lại đến lúc éo có ..mà ăn.
  2. hangchinhhang

    hangchinhhang Thành viên quen thuộc

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    Thế giới cứ lên ầm ầm. Tiền sẽ đuợc bơm mạnh sau tết. Cứ ăn tết rồi ra tết đếm xèng thôi.
  3. Phuong_HuuNghi

    Phuong_HuuNghi Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    Fed Raises Discount Rate by Quarter-Point to 0.75% (Update2) :

    By Craig Torres


    Feb. 18 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve Board raised the discount rate charged to banks for direct loans by a quarter point to 0.75 percent and said the move will encourage financial institutions to rely more on money markets rather than the central bank for short-term liquidity needs.
    “These changes are intended as a further normalization of the Federal Reserve’s lending facilities,” the central bank said today in a statement. “The modifications are not expected to lead to tighter financial conditions for households and businesses and do not signal any change in the outlook for the economy or for monetary policy.”
    The dollar jumped and Treasuries extended losses as the Fed took another step in a gradual retreat from its unprecedented actions to halt the deepest financial crisis since the Great Depression. The Fed has provided hundreds of billions of dollars in backstop credit to banks, bond dealers, commercial paper borrowers and troubled financial institutions such as American International Group Inc.
    “This is an unwinding of another unusual and exigent circumstance,” said David Zervos, visiting adviser to the Fed Board in 2009 who is now a managing director at Jeffries & Co. in New York. “They tried to go out of their way to tell people this doesn’t change their policy outlook at all.”
    The dollar rose 0.7 percent to $1.3514 per euro at 5:19 p.m. in New York from $1.3607 yesterday. It touched $1.3502, the strongest level since May. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose seven basis points to 3.8 percent.
    Maturity Shortened
    The discount rate increase is effective on Feb. 19. The Board also said that effective March 18 “the typical maximum maturity for primary credit loans will be shortened to overnight.”
    The Fed Board said the outlook for policy remains “about as it was at the January meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee.” The central bank also cited last month’s statement, which said economic conditions are likely to warrant “exceptionally low” levels of the federal funds rate “for an extended period.”
    It was the first increase in the discount rate in more than three years, and the move widens the rate’s spread over the top range for the benchmark federal funds rate to 0.5 percentage point.
    Backup Source
    “The increase in the spread and reduction in maximum maturity will encourage depository institutions to rely on private funding markets for short-term credit and to use the Federal Reserve’s primary credit facility only as a backup source of funds,” the Fed Board said in a statement.
    “The Federal Reserve will assess over time whether further increases in the spread are appropriate.”
    Financial institutions’ reliance on Fed credit has waned as market liquidity improved. Discount window loans stood at $14.1 billion on Feb. 17, down from $65.1 billion about a year earlier.
    Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke telegraphed the move in Feb. 10 testimony to Congress when he said investors should expect a “modest increase” in the rate “before long.” Using language similar to today’s statement, he said a move shouldn’t be interpreted as a change in policy.
    The Fed’s lending programs and their May 2009 review of the capital needs of the 19 largest banks helped restore confidence and liquidity in interbank lending markets. The TED spread, the difference between what the Treasury and banks pay to borrow dollars for three months, has narrowed to 0.15 percentage point from as high as 4.64 percentage points in October 2008.
    Emergency Facilities
    The central bank closed four emergency lending facilities, including the Primary Dealer Credit Facility and Term Securities Lending Facility, on Feb. 1.
    Primary dealer credit stood at $146.5 billion two weeks after the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in September 2008. The facility had a zero balance when the Fed closed it in February.
    The Federal Open Market Committee left the benchmark overnight lending rate in a range of zero to 0.25 percent at their meeting Jan. 27. Minutes from the meeting said officials “agreed it would soon be appropriate” to reduce the term of discount window loans to overnight and widen the spread over the federal funds rate.
    The minutes also said that the discount window change didn’t signal an immediate change in the benchmark lending rate.
    Normal Footing
    Fed officials “generally agreed that such steps to return the Federal Reserve’s liquidity provision to a normal footing would be technical adjustments.”
    Prior to the financial crisis, the Fed kept the primary credit discount rate 1 percentage point above the target for the federal funds rate.
    The Fed increased the term on the loans to 90 days during market turmoil in March 2008, and reduced it 28 days on Jan. 14 this year.
    Discount rate changes are requested by boards of directors at the 12 regional Fed banks. The Fed Board said it approved requests for the rate increase from all 12 regional Fed banks. Discount rate change requests are subject to final review and determination by the Board of Governors in Washington. Fed governors review discount rate requests about every two weeks.
    To contact the reporters on this story: Craig Torres in Washington at ctorres3@bloomberg.net;
    Last Updated: February 18, 2010 17:30 EST

    US Markets

    Feb 18 4:59pm ET †Change%ChangeLevel
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    [​IMG]Morningstar Index+17.79+0.65%2,750.49

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  4. FM2007

    FM2007 Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    Các bác tết nhất mà dậy pót bài sớm thế, tinh thần chứng khoán thật là cao [r2)] [r2)] [r2)]
  5. Phuong_HuuNghi

    Phuong_HuuNghi Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Tết nhất chứng OFF thấy buồn ghê người, theo thói quen khi dậy là ONLINE 5 - 10 phút mới đánh răng rửa mặt [:D]

    Thứ 6, 19/02/2010, 07:44
    JP Morgan nhận định làn sóng bán tháo cổ phiếu trên thị trường Mỹ đã chấm dứt: http://cafef.vn/20100219074322917CA...o-co-phieu-tren-thi-truong-my-da-cham-dut.chn

    Thứ 6, 19/02/2010, 06:44
    FED nâng lãi suất tái chiết khấu lên 0,75%: http://cafef.vn/20100219064325508CA32/fed-nang-lai-suat-tai-chiet-khau-len-075.chn
  6. bocap1

    bocap1 Thành viên rất tích cực

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    thói quen của e là cứ mỗi khi hút thuốc là lại phải vừa đi toilet vừa hút :))
    FED nâng lãi suất tái chiết khấu lên 0,75%: thực ra đây là thông tin tốt cho lâu dài, đợt này DJ cũng chỉ phản ứng nhẹ nhàng với quyết định của FED bằng 1 phiên điều chỉnh là cùng hoặc điều chỉnh trong phiên thôi [r23)]
  7. dpdp11

    dpdp11 Thành viên rất tích cực

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    Hihi, bác Phương đúng là bị nghiện chứng rùi, chắc đi cai thui bác ơi....

    Năm nay, em set objective là phải hạn chế được thời gian cho stock chừng 20 giờ/tuần thui. Và nhất là lướt F319 1 giờ/ngày thui. Lên đây bù khú với anh em hoài, 2 3 con vợ lớn, vợ nhỏ la um sùm...

    Cheers, chúc các bác năm mới dồi dào sức khỏe và chiến thắng nhiều hơn thua,...
  8. DownDown

    DownDown Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Thị trường CK luôn có tăng có giảm
    Nắm nhiều chứng quá thì sẽ không bao giờ thấy viễn cảnh thị trường điều chỉnh, làm mất sự tinh tường
    Mong mọi người cẩn trọng
  9. Phuong_HuuNghi

    Phuong_HuuNghi Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Quan trọng là thời điểm ... cũng có thời điểm 250-300% chứng, ví như thời điểm này tôi đang 100% rồi, người tínhko bằng trời tính, sống chết chắc cũng phải do số má [:D]
  10. chipchina

    chipchina Thành viên rất tích cực

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    Hê hê...đúng là giàu nghèo đều có số cả. Cũng là con người nhưng ko phải ai cũng như ai. Năng lực quyết định số phận trong trường hợp này[:p][:p][:p][:p][:p]

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