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Chủ đề trong 'Thị trường chứng khoán' bởi chimlon_No1, 05/06/2010.

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  1. liendtb

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  2. hungtri

    hungtri Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    DJ rơi quá đà rồi , có bài trên Bloomberp đây :

    Hungary ‘Isn’t Greece,’ Moody’s Says Following Tumble in Bonds

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    By Tal Barak Harif and Piotr Skolimowski

    June 5 (Bloomberg) -- Hungary has “a good track record” managing fiscal crises and will take the steps needed even after a government official said the country may be at risk of defaulting, according to Moody’s Investors Service.
    “Hungary isn’t the next Greece,” Kristin Lindow, a senior vice president with the ratings company, said in a telephone interview yesterday from London. “Hungary has a good track record of doing what it needs to do when in trouble.”
    Hungarian bonds tumbled yesterday, pushing up borrowing costs by the most since October 2008, and the forint and stocks plunged after Peter Szijjarto, spokesman for Prime Minister Viktor Orban, said it’s not “an exaggeration at all” to speculate that the nation may be unable to pay its debt.
    The comments sparked concern that Europe’s debt crisis is spreading after credit downgrades of Greece, Portugal and Spain. The European Union pledged almost $1 trillion to the bloc’s weakest economies last month after Greece’s widening budget deficit threatened to undermine confidence in the euro.
    “It’s clear that the economy is in a very grave situation,” Szijjarto said at a press conference in Budapest yesterday. “I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all” to talk about a default, he said.
    Orban took office May 29 after winning elections by pledging to cut taxes and stimulate the economy. He failed last week to get EU approval for looser fiscal policy.
    ‘Ill Considered’ Comments
    The extra yield investors demand to own Hungary’s debt over U.S. Treasuries rose 157 basis points, or 1.57 percentage point, to 476, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s EMBI Global Index. The BUX Index of equities tumbled 3.3 percent, while the forint fell 2.3 percent to 288.73 per euro, the weakest level since June 2009.
    “The politician was over-speaking, which is typical for a new government, but it was ill considered,” Lindow said. Moody’s lowered Hungary’s debt rating to Baa1, the third lowest investment grade, from A3 in March 2009 and has a negative outlook.
    Hungary, the first EU nation to receive an international bailout during the credit crisis, has the equivalent of $26.9 billion of debt coming due this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
    The government’s budget deficit could grow to as high as 7.5 percent of gross domestic product this year, compared with a 3.8 percent target set with the International Monetary Fund by the previous government, Mihaly Varga, Orban’s chief of staff, told M1 television on May 30.
    Tax Reductions
    Orban is vowing to end austerity and cut taxes to help accelerate economic growth after the worst recession in 18 years. Former Hungarian Finance Minister Peter Oszko said yesterday the country is “in no way near default.”
    “While the outlook for that country remains poor, it does not quite have the potential to roil markets as much as Greece or the other peripheral euro zone members,” Win Thin, a senior currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., said yesterday in a report. “The Hungary story is bad, but the overall impact is likely to be limited.”
    Hungary, which received a 20 billion-euro ($24 billion) loan from the IMF, the EU and the World Bank in October 2008 to help avert a default, hasn’t drawn any funds from its standby program under the fourth and fifth previews, and the new government has raised the possibility of renegotiating this year’s deficit target to 5 to 6 percent of GDP, according to Thin.
    Manageable Situation
    “The new government is trying to say the picture is much uglier and we’re going to work to clean the house,” Luis Costa, an emerging market strategist at Citigroup Inc. in London, said yesterday in a phone interview. The comments “are probably more populist than anything else,” he said. “When it comes to the funding requirements, the situation in 2010 is still very manageable.”
    Credit-default swaps on Hungarian government bonds rose to 410 basis points from yesterday’s close of 308, according to CMA DataVision prices. An increase signals deterioration in investor perceptions of credit quality.
    “We still have a negative outlook because we don’t know when implementation will happen of the structural changes,” Moody’s Lindow said.
    The BUX index briefly extended its drop from this year’s high to more than 20 percent yesterday before paring it loss.
    The MSCI Emerging Markets Index of shares lost 1.2 percent yesterday, while currencies from Poland to Romania and Russia weakened against the dollar. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index tumbled 3.4 percent as a report showing slower-than-estimated American job growth worsened losses sparked by concern over Hungary’s debt.
    Reducing Expenses
    Hungary is in its fifth year of cost cutting and the government reduced the deficit to 4 percent of GDP last year from 9.3 percent in 2006, the EU’s widest at the time.
    The country’s debt level may reach 79 percent of GDP this year, on par with Germany and making it the most indebted eastern EU member, according to the European Commission. The debt level is less than the 125 percent of GDP for Greece, 118 percent for Italy, and 86 percent for Portugal.
    A fact-finding panel will probably present preliminary figures on the state of the economy this weekend, Szijjarto said. The government will publish an action plan within 72 hours after the committee reports its findings, he said.
    “The moment of truth has already arrived in Greece and it has yet to come to Hungary,” Szijjarto said. “The government is prepared to avoid the road that Greece has been down; in other words, we won’t hesitate to act after the truth becomes known.”
    Szijjarto’s comments “are extremely confusing and more market panic should be expected,” Elisabeth Andreew, chief foreign-currency strategist at Nordea Markets in Copenhagen, wrote in an e-mailed comment. “Beware of more spill-over effects on other currencies and asset classes.”
    To contact the reporters on this story: Tal Barak Harif in New York at tbarak@bloomberg.net Piotr Skolimowski in Warsaw at pskolimowski@bloomberg.net
    Last Updated: June 4, 2010 18:08 EDT
  3. Mr_Mogan

    Mr_Mogan Thành viên này đang bị tạm khóa Đang bị khóa

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Thị trường trong thời gian gần đây khi tâm lý đầu cơ hầu như chi phối hoàn toàn các nhà đầu tư nội địa, theo sau những đánh giá lạc quan và các động thái đầu tư chiến lược của các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài.
    Cải cách kinh tế đang đi đúng quỹ đạo, và triển vọng tăng trưởng kinh tế đang rất sáng sủa là hai trong số những yếu tố chính làm các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài đổ tiền vào thị trường Việt Nam. Trong khi đó, Tâm lý các nhà đầu tư nội đang ở trạng thái bi quan quá mức, TTCK được quản lý còn khá lỏng lẻo, và cực kỳ rủi ro cho những nhà đầu tư amateur mù mờ
  4. Huongcuty

    Huongcuty Thành viên này đang bị tạm khóa Đang bị khóa

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    Đã được thích:
    Chuẩn không cần chỉnh. VN cứ thế mà tiến. DJ đi thì làm phước cho con cháu
  5. spacta77

    spacta77 Thành viên mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    VND, SJS, ALC cưỡi cá Voi ra khơi. Song sẽ là quá KHỦNG chỉ trong tuần sau
  6. saxophon

    saxophon Thành viên này đang bị tạm khóa Đang bị khóa

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    Mackeno ! [r23)][r23)][r23)][r23)][r23)]

    Mỹ nó đi đàng Mỹ ! :-":-":-"

    Ta cứ đi đàng ta !!! :)>-:)>-:)>-

    Cháy nhà bên xứ Cờ Hoa ... ~X~X~X

    Can chi mình phải lo xa tính gần ??? [-X[-X[-X

  7. HEIC

    HEIC Thành viên rất tích cực

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    Bác chim lơn này làm ở Phùng Hưng ah?:-".Bác nên bỏ nghiệp chứng đi, tập trung vào chuyên môn chính là hoả táng đi bác.Hic.lamf nghề chỉ mong người khác chết.Rõ khổ, thất đức.=)):))
  8. sc500

    sc500 Thành viên này đang bị tạm khóa Đang bị khóa

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Kệ nó thui, DJ xuống để lấy dà lên thui, tôi cũng rất thích sóng to như ở mẽo, chơi cảm giác mạnh quen rùi, có gì đâu mà các cụ cứ phải xoắn. Tập chơi cảm giác mạnh đi, hi vọng các Kụ cũng sẽ tích giống tui thôi.
  9. java1985

    java1985 Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Hay vãi , chủ TP văn thật =))
  10. doicaytien2010

    doicaytien2010 Thành viên quen thuộc

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đã quá thứ 2 có hàng giá rẻ để om rồi>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)

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