VIC - Hành Trình Chinh Phục Thế Giới - Vì Một Thế Giới Xanh

Chủ đề trong 'Thị trường chứng khoán' bởi Cuti102003, 06/09/2023.

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  1. trieuquangthong

    trieuquangthong Thành viên gắn bó với

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    Khi chạm 52.5 tổ lái nhanh auto sửa về 52.3 để kê tiếp, tôi để ý nhiều phiên rồi. Lái không tính được lượng khớp bắt đáy chuẩn nên nhiều hôm nó cắm nhanh, giảm cực sâu và thậm chí sàn luôn. Còn đúng ý lái là giảm line theo ngày để xả càng nhiều càng tốt. Đây là tôi phán đoán thôi cụ nhé, không khẳng định đâu =))
    brainstorm22 thích bài này.

    WILIIZ Thành viên này đang bị tạm khóa Đang bị khóa Not Official

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    lên đọc lấy niềm tin, thấy bài review này quá chi tiết, so sánh cụ thể, anh em đọc Eng hoặc translate nhé.

    Source: Eric Schmidt - VinFast Canada official owners club
    Last weekend we went to Fully Charged in Vancouver specifically to test drive a VF8. I am personally interested in the smaller VF6 coming hopefully in the new year. The VF8 we were testing was a pre-production car and the VinFast representative said it was missing various software features vs cars being delivered to customers. My wife and two VinFast representatives came in the car for a good 15-20 minute test around downtown Vancouver streets outside of the convention centre.
    Build quality seems at par with other manufacturers. The panel gaps seemed consistent, the interior was just fine, nothing I could see glaring.
    From Out of Spec Reviews complaint that the interior door pull had sharp edges. I specifically looked at the driver side pull and it’s is made in two pieces and rubbing your finger on the joint, yes you can feel the joint. After we left, I looked at my 2019 Toyota Corolla’s door pulls that are basically the same design, made the same way, and yes pressing on the joint you can feel the edges. After two years of driving the Corolla, I never noticed the joint on the door pull, and the VF8’s was no different, so non-issue.
    Starting the car was easy, get in, put on the seat belt and push the brake pedal. Not an issue. The magazine and YouTube reviewers who complained were probably not using seat belt or were not using the brake pedal?
    Complaints about the parking brake. Several testers couldn’t figure out or find the parking brake manual release. The manual brake release is just above the driver’s right leg on the dash, BUT you don’t need to touch it as I was shown, holding the brake pedal, and putting the car into drive or reverse, releases the parking brake automatically. I tired it several times, so I have no idea where this complaint came from?
    The VinFast touch screen is responsive and no lag I could see. Compared to my Toyota Corolla, the Toyota radio/infotainment unit takes forever to boot up, the screen touch controls are terribly slow, and minimal adjustability. Just no issues with VF8 screen, and the VF8 screen was incredibly big.
    Head Up display. I have never used one, it is adjustable, and it was clear in the sun on the test drive. I didn’t even look at the main display for my speed, just the head up display on the windshield. This is just a great feature!
    Turn signal complaints from magazine/YouTube reviewers seem unfounded, not a design or quality problem, and not an issue to use. I have learned that the signal is a BMW design that VinFast purchased. I guess none of the reviewers had ever driven a BMW?? The signal control is different, totally fine, functional and again, BMW has used them for years.
    Chimes and notifications are not an issue. Before we left, the VinFast representative showed me on the screen how to turn off the chimes, and reduced sensitivity of the alerts. The only notification I saw on the screen during the test was when I was being showed how the parking brake worked, and I deliberately did not hold the brake pedal before changing into drive, causing a pop-up notification.
    General driving; yes, the car is heavy because of size of the car and batteries. The VinFast representative said VinFast now has recommended a lower tire pressure of 32 psi to improve the ride. No handling issues at least on my test drive. I had to turn the car around inside the building to park it. I had to do a 3-point turn due to space. The VF8 does not turn like my old Smart car, but my old Smart car is tiny in comparison.
    Speed. OH MY…! The VinFast representative put the car in sport mode and told me to try the speed. A big car, 4 people in it.. it just shot forward instantly. I did it twice because it was amazing. Probably a Ferrari is way faster, but this thing goes when you want it to..!
    Seats are on the firmer side like a European car, and with firmer cushions when new means at 100-200k kms, the seat will be still supportive rather than collapsed. I have a personal problem with car seats... most cars seats are pretty lousy for me, and the best seats I ever had were in my Smart car that were also firm when new and still great years later. VinFast’s seats work for me.
    Steering wheel and mirror adjustment. The VinFast representative walked me through setting up and it’s easy, select left on the screen and you can move your left outside mirror with arrows on left side of the steering wheel. Select steering wheel adjustment on the screen and the same arrow adjustment moves the steering column. VinFast has an automatic side mirror adjustment but the VinFast representative said being a preproduction car, it wasn’t available. All these settings can be saved to a car user account and the car will adjust to whomever has logged into the screen.
    One other take away from Fully Charged. Walking around and looking at the EV competition on display, I can say they are all trying to look like space ships inside. VinFast interiors look is much more upscale looking vs a Tesla, but VinFast has the simplicity of a Tesla. The advantage of VinFast vs Tesla is a few more hard buttons vs all screen controls with a Tesla, and of course the VinFast head up display that is so cool.
    Anyway… I’m am sold but the VF8 is too big for what I like or need. The VF6 is more my size and it’s starting production this week in Vietnam. Hopefully by the spring they will be in Canada and I will test drive. If VinFast offers deals on early reservations, I will be all in for a VF6 reservation.
  3. T1000

    T1000 Thành viên gắn bó với

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    52.x bán bao nhiêu cũng hết. tổ lái quay sang xúc rồi.
  4. brainstorm22

    brainstorm22 Thành viên gắn bó với

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    VIC: kể cả khi mất mệnh giá, chưa bán là vẫn chưa lỗ, anh chỉ lỗ khi bán.
  5. ConCaSacNuoc

    ConCaSacNuoc Thành viên gắn bó với

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    bán bất chấp cả tháng nay chứng tỏ V cạn kiệt tiền mặt nghiêm trọng
  6. Cuti102003

    Cuti102003 Thành viên gắn bó với

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  7. BuyorSell99

    BuyorSell99 Thành viên gắn bó với

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Cầm Vic dài hạn đến giờ còn không thở được đây...
  8. Cuti102003

    Cuti102003 Thành viên gắn bó với

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Nếu khó thở thì nên sút bạn, đầu tư là để cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn mà
    Bin7723 thích bài này.
  9. brainstorm22

    brainstorm22 Thành viên gắn bó với

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Các cổ đông phải hết sức thông cảm, làm ô tô, đặc biệt là xe điện là rất khó. Trong bối cảnh cạnh tranh khốc liệt trên TT TG hiện nay, ta đi tiên phong là rất dũng cảm, có đốt tiền 5, 10 tỷ đô có đáng gì
  10. thanhtan_info

    thanhtan_info Thành viên gắn bó với

    Tham gia ngày:
    Đã được thích:
    Hỏi thật các cụ kỳ vọng gì ở VIC =))
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