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Chủ đề trong 'Thị trường chứng khoán' bởi Phuong_HuuNghi, 25/03/2010.

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  1. FM2007

    FM2007 Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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  2. alanzuan

    alanzuan Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    Hết sạch cash hôm nay , đợi T+30 , đi làm nhiều việc khác để tạo thêm của cải vật chất cho xã hội -->TT tăng , đúng T+30 sẽ thấy thành quả lao động của mình
  3. Phuong_HuuNghi

    Phuong_HuuNghi Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    Nếu ngày mai VNI xuống là cơ hội để tôi múc hết tiền trong TK, đóng két lại, ko ngó bảng nữa và trở lại đúng chuyên môn của mình cho các Cty CK đỡ ăn phí của mình [:D]
  4. Phuong_HuuNghi

    Phuong_HuuNghi Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    Có thể nhiều bác đã mất hàng hôm nay ... http://www.sbv.gov.vn/vn/home/tinHDNH.jsp?tin=5835

    Lãi suất cơ bản bằng đồng Việt Nam duy trì ở mức 8%/năm

    Thống đốc Ngân hàng Nhà nước (NHNN) Việt Nam vừa ký Quyết định duy trì lãi suất cơ bản bằng đồng Việt Nam so với tháng trước đó.
    Cụ thể, tại Quyết định số 618/QĐ-NHNN ngày 25/3/2010 Thống đốc Ngân hàng Nhà nước quy định mức lãi suất cơ bản bằng đồng Việt Nam là 8%/năm và có hiệu lực thi hành kể từ ngày 01/4/2010. Quyết định này thay thế Quyết định số 353/QĐ-NHNN ngày 25/2/2010 của Thống đốc Ngân hàng Nhà nước về mức lãi suất cơ bản bằng đồng Việt Nam.
    Như vậy, kể từ ngày 01/12/2009 đến nay (5 tháng liên tiếp), lãi suất cơ bản bằng đồng Việt Nam liên tục được duy trì ổn định.
    Ngày 25/03/2010
  5. UNI_100

    UNI_100 Thành viên quen thuộc

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    con GIL hôm nay chạy ngon nhỉ [r2)]

    HOLI_MEN Thành viên quen thuộc

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    *** bọn HSBC củ chuối thật cụ P ơi
  7. Phuong_HuuNghi

    Phuong_HuuNghi Thành viên gắn bó với f319.com

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    IMF Role in Greek Rescue Gains Support Among European Chiefs

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    By James G. Neuger


    March 25 (Bloomberg) -- European leaders showed signs of bowing to German demands for an International Monetary Fund role in any rescue of debt-stricken Greece, seeking to prevent the fiscal crisis from undermining the euro.
    Asserting her clout as head of the European Union’s largest economy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled out an aid decision at today’s EU summit in Brussels, pushed for the IMF to be brought in, and called for measures to stop deficit “trickery.”
    “There will be a mix between IMF instruments and bilateral loans,” Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, who heads the panel of euro-region finance chiefs, told reporters in Brussels. “But Greece will not need this instrument because the Greek budget program is very credible and markets will eventually see that.”
    Signs that Greece may win a financial backstop gave a lift to Greek bonds and nudged the euro up from a 10-month low. The European Central Bank contributed to the rally by announcing a policy reversal ensuring that Greek debt won’t be struck off its collateral list next year.
    Greece needs to sell about 10 billion euros ($13 billion) of bonds in coming weeks. About 8.2 billion euros of debt matures April 20 and 8.5 billion euros on May 19, with about 3.9 billion euros of bills maturing in April and May.
    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. estimates that Greece may ultimately get aid from the IMF worth about 20 billion euros over 18 months, according to an e-mailed note today.
    ‘Mixed Model’
    “We are going in the direction -- in case it’s even necessary to help -- toward a mixed model of IMF and bilaterial help” for Greece, Austrian Finance Minister Josef Proell said in Brussels.
    The gain in Greek bonds sent the 10-year yield down 3 basis points to 6.33 percent, 321 basis points above comparable German debt. That extra borrowing cost has risen from 273 basis points on Feb. 11 when the EU vowed “determined and coordinated action” to stanch the crisis. The euro gained 0.2 percent at $1.33467 at 2:35 p.m. in Brussels.
    “We will move ahead whatever decisions are taken,” Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou told reporters today in Brussels. “Greece is determined to deal with its own problems,” he said, adding that “we are on the right track.”
    The Greek government is counting on wage cuts and tax increases to shave the deficit to 8.7 percent of gross domestic product this year from 12.7 percent in 2009, the highest in the euro’s 11-year history.
    The summit begins at 5 p.m., though at the last meeting on Feb. 11 a political declaration to back up Greece was made before the official start.
    IMF Role
    Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende endorsed an IMF role and Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero didn’t rule one out, brushing aside criticism that recourse to the Washington-based lender of last resort would expose Europe’s inability to get to grips with the crisis.
    “We should start with the IMF because the IMF has the expertise to act,” Balkenende told reporters in Brussels.
    Merkel held out against a firm aid commitment today and opposed holding a separate get-together of the leaders of the 16 countries using the euro.
    “A good European is not necessarily one who rushes to assist,” Merkel told German lawmakers in Berlin today before arriving in Brussels. “A good European is one who abides by the European treaties and national law and thus sees to it that the euro zone’s stability isn’t harmed.”
    Sanctions Sought
    While the euro’s German-designed “stability pact” foresees financial penalties for countries that go over the limits, no country has been sanctioned since the currency debuted in 1999. The budget deficits of all 16 euro nations are forecast to exceed the EU’s limit of 3 percent of GDP this year after the worst recession since at least World War II.
    Merkel has left open the possibility of pushing wayward countries out of the euro and sought a rewrite of European treaties to impose more fiscal rectitude. All 27 EU countries would have to back such an overhaul. The EU’s latest treaty, in force since December, took eight years to negotiate and ratify.
    Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, a former Danish premier and leader of the Party of European Socialists, said Germany’s proposal for a last-resort Greek aid package of loans from the IMF and EU was a “poor solution.”
    ‘Really, Really Poor’
    “If the only answer from Europe is to ask the IMF to help us, then we are really, really, really poor,” Rasmussen, whose group includes Papandreou, told reporters in Brussels. “It’s a poor solution for Europe that we cannot manage on our own.”
    ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet took some pressure off Greece today by extending emergency lending rules, saying its bonds won’t be cut off from ECB refinancing operations next year in case Moody’s Investors Service lowers its rating to a level comparable with other companies.
    Trichet’s remarks marked a reversal for the ECB, which said in January that it wouldn’t soften its collateral policy for the sake of a single country. The bank was scheduled to reintroduce pre-crisis rules at the end of 2010.
  8. emhochoi

    emhochoi Thành viên rất tích cực

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  9. stockotc

    stockotc Thành viên rất tích cực

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  10. stocks6868

    stocks6868 Thành viên này đang bị tạm khóa Đang bị khóa Not Official

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